NGO „Oleme Sinuga Koos“ has got financial support  from the NGO Fund of EEA Grants which is operated by the Open Estonia Foundation and Narva municipality to realise a project “Professional success”.

The aim of the project – to improve professional skills of psychologists of our NGO and to wide field of activity in psychological services for Narva population using new knowledge and skills on theme “Professional burnout”.

Tasks of the project:

1. To get training for psychologists of the NGO on the theme “Professional burnout”.

2. To help teachers of educational institutions to get new knowledge and skills, those help them to improve the teachers’ professionalism.  

3. To wide psychological services for Narva population.


Activities in the project:

May 2015 – Psychologists from NGO will get training on theme “professional burnout”

June-November 2015 – Diagnostic work with teachers of educational institutions

October-December 2015 – Correctional work with the teachers, trainings with groups of maximum 12 persons in each of the groups

January 2016 – Feedback and the project’s results analyses and MEMO for the teachers making.


More information:






25.01.2016  kell 11.00 toimub Kerese 20 konverentsisaalis kokkuvõtete tegemine MTÜ „Oleme Sinuga Koos“ projekti „Professionaalne edu“ tegevustest.


«Professionaalne edu“ - see on uute teadmiste ja vilumuste omandamine projekti sihtrühma, Narva haridusasutuste pedagoogide poolt, s.t

а) Võimaluse pakkumine pedagoogidele  säilitada psühholoogiline tervis oma professionaalse tegevuse jooksul;

b) Võimaliku professionaalse läbipõlemise profülaktika  töökohal 

c) Meelespea selle kohta, kuidas töökohal MITTE läbi põleda  ja säilitada positiivne ellusuhtumine


Projekti peamine sihtrühm on Narva koolide, lasteaedade ja Narva Laste Loomemaja õpetajad. Projektis osales 104 pedagoogi. Projekti raames viidi läbi 30 õppust mahus 3 akadeemilist tundi igakordselt.

Projekti rahastab EMP toetuste Vabaühenduste Fond Avatud Eesti Fondi vahendusel.


Eelregistreerimine üritusele ja täiendav info:






EMP toetused Avatud Eesti Fondi vahendusel ja Narva linn toetasid meie  MTÜ „Oleme Sinuga Koos“ ( ) projekti “Professionaalne edu”

Projekti toimumise aeg on 01.05.15 - 31.01.16      Täpne info on osas „Projektid“.

Our new project information:

Name of the project: “Professional success”. The target is to upgrade professional qualification of the psychologist of MTÜ and expand psychological services for the people of the city Narva through learning new method and new tasks on the “Professional Burnout”.

The main tasks of the project are the following: 1. To help the teachers of the educational establishments to get new knowledge and skills which will help to upgrade their qualification that will bring positive changes in the teachers’ behavior in mutual relation with students and their parents. 2. To expand psychological services for the people of the city Narva.

Period of the project: 01.05.2015 – 31.01.2016 Total project cost: EUR 5836.22 Source of financing: Open Estonian Foundation – EUR 5233.00 Narva city: EUR 397.80 Self-financing: EUR 205.42  

The project description: After analyzing the market of psychological services in the region, we got the idea to expand the services of MTÜ “Oleme sinuga koos” in the sphere of the professional burnout and therefore let the MTÜ be more financially independent. We had meetings with the representatives of the culture department and it turned out that currently the issue of the professional burnout is relevant and popular among the teachers. At this time in Narva there are 1498 teachers and according to the empirical investigation 85% or 1270 can be subject to professional burnout. The members of our MTÜ will make life of the teachers more positive , will teach them methods and ways of psychological self-regulation, as well as to cope with the problems connected with professional burnout. Upon completion of this work we can offer our services on professional burnout not only to the teaching staff but the organizations of the sphere of communication activities, and that will promote our competitiveness on the services market.  

Target group – teachers Total – 84 persons.  


MTÜ" Oleme Sinuga Koos" pakub järgmisi psühholoogilisi teenusi:

1. Diagnostika läbiviimine:

* Kognitiivsete protsesside diagnostika läbiviimine

* Emotsionaalse seisundi diagnostika läbiviimine

* Isikuomaduste diagnostika läbiviimine


2. Korrektsioon:

* Kognitiivsete protsesside parandus

* Emotsionaal- tahtelise sfääri parandus

3. Laste kooliks ettevalmistuse diagnostika 

4. Enesehinnangu diagnostika ja parandus 

5. Psühholoogiliste uuringute läbiviimine 

6. Õpiseminaarid teemadel:

* Hüperaktiivsus

* Hirm


* Personalijuhtimine

* Kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon

7. Põhikooliks valmisoleku diagnostika 

8. Laste subkultuur 

9. Erivajadustega inimeste sotsiaalne integratsioon 

10. Psühhosomaatika 

11. Andekate laste identifitseerimine ja saatmine 

12. Konfliktid ja nende lahendamine 

13. Üksikute sotsiaalse rolli prioriteetide määramine 

14. Psühholoogiline toetus töötutele 

15. Psühholoogilised koolitused erinevates suundades